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How can you reach us?

To visit the monastery you may get here either:

BY CAR (conventional car or SUV) on the new Rethymnon-Herakleion National Road (National Road 90) ΕΟ90 heading

- EAST from RETHYMNO to HERAKLEION and taking the exit AMARI (1st entrance to the city of Rethymno from the East).

Then, follow the signs and reach the Monastery of Arkadi in about 20 km, while heading

- WEST in the direction from HERAKLEION to RETHYMNO again take the exit AMARI (1st entrance to the city of Rethymno from the East).

Having taken the exit follow the signs and reach the Monastery of Arkadi in about 20 km.
BY BUS from the Bus Station (KTEL) in the city of Rethymno. For information you may call daily at (+30) 28310 22212 or visit the site HERE.